Farm Goods available Soon !!!!


Thank you so much for clicking on this Faith button.  What this category is all about, is the basic need we all have and that is the need to know our creator ‘ God’ , through his Son Jesus Christ.  I know right there… people stop…and think oh’ boy either a religious freak or some other category  I might be thrown in.   But really…we all have a choice to make in this world either……with a relationship with Jesus Christ or  without.  I have live both ways and my own personal testimony is this.   With Jesus….. You have strength to make each day count,  you have God’s Holy Word  to guide you throughout your life.  You have the Holy Spirit working through You to make your life count for the Glory of God the Father. And you can have eternal life.  I am not talking about religion , I am talking about relationship.  I think one mistake people make in deciding to become a Christian or not is to look at other Christians….you know a lot of  people do not  live their faith…. (that’s why its so important to be in God’s word)…..The one we should look to is Christ himself, only he is perfect. Another mistake people make is thinking that once they become a Christian that life will give them  no more troubles, trials or problems…..well wrong…… believe me I still have my share, but now I know I have Jesus with me, teaching me through them, giving me strength and guidance and actually I can see where in James 1: 2-4- says Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds. That it is true because with each trial I face, it draws me closer to him.  ..this past February(2008) our Homestead had a terrible Fire we lost our barn,  our beloved Pets, A golden retriever named Clover and 4 cats, all of our belongings.   It was very hard and really tested my Faith,  but now I can honestly see how God is using that circumstance for our good.   Hey …I would not have set up a website and you would not be reading this right now….and who knows…(only God)…if this helps one soul….It would be all worth it. I cannot stress enough to Get into God’s Word.  If you have decided to trust Jesus as your personal Savior,  tell him in your  own words, or use this sample prayer.


I acknowledge that I am a sinner.  I believe that Jesus died in my place, paying the sin-debt I owed, And then rose from the dead. I receive Him as my personal Savior and surrender control of my life to You.  Please show me how to live for You,  walk with You, and know You better each day. Amen


A great resource to help you with your walk is they have a New Believer’s Kit To help you take the next step in your walk with God.  They can also be reached by phone


Get into a good Christ-Centered Church, read God’s word everyday and apply it to your life.  If you ever have a question, or would like to talk please email Karen at
Thank-you and God Bless you!!!